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People ice skating on a frozen lake in Alaska.

Board of Directors & Committees

Board of Directors

The RRC is governed by a 15-member Board of Directors – 13 members are appointed to represent specific stakeholder classes, and two members are non-voting, ex-officio directors representing the Regulatory Commission of Alaska and the Office of the Attorney General’s Regulatory Affairs and Public Advocacy Section. Voting Directors are appointed by named entities or groups of entities that reflect the seat’s stakeholder class, with the exception of the Seat M Independent Member, who is elected by the other Voting Directors. Directors must be drawn from and able to represent the stakeholder class for which they have been appointed.

  1. Meeting Materials

Current Members

  1. Lou Florence

    Board Chair

    Provider – Distribution

  2. Andrew McDonnell

    Board Vice-Chair

    Provider – Independent Power Producer

  3. Brian Hickey

    Board Treasurer

    Provider – Distribution – Municipal

  4. Bill Price

    Board Secretary


  5. Allan Rudeck

    Primary Director

    Provider – Integrated – Cooperative

  6. Chris Forrest

    Primary Director


  7. David Thomas

    Primary Director

    Provider – Integrated – Cooperative

  8. Kim Henkel

    Primary Director

    Provider – Integrated – Cooperative

  9. Brian Hickey

    Primary Director

    Provider – Distribution – Municipal

  10. Bill Price

    Primary Director


  11. Andrew McDonnell

    Primary Director

    Provider – Independent Power Producer

  12. Joel Groves

    Primary Director

    Provider – Independent Power Producer

  13. Veri di Suvero

    Primary Director

    Consumer – Residential-Small Commercial

  14. Sunil Kumar

    Primary Director

    Consumer – Large Commercial – Industrial

  15. Chris Rose

    Primary Director

    Consumer – Environmental Advocacy

  16. Alex Baker

    Primary Director


  17. Claire Knudsen-Latta

    Ex-officio Primary Director

    Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA)

  18. Jeff Waller

    Ex-officio Primary Director

    State Agency for Regulatory Affairs and Public Advocacy (RAPA)

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is a standing Board Committee that provides strategic leadership and governance to ensure all business related to the Board of Directors is completed in a timely, cohesive, efficient, and transparent manner.

  1. Charter
  2. Meeting Materials

Current Members

  1. Lou Florence


    Provider – Distribution

  2. Andrew McDonnell


    Provider – Independent Power Producer

  3. Brian Hickey


    Provider – Distribution – Municipal

  4. Bill Price



  5. Alex Baker



Governance Committee

The Governance Committee is a standing Board Committee that assists the Board of Directors in fulfilling its responsibilities regarding matters that relate to governing of the RRC and recommending Director candidates to the Board.

  1. Charter
  2. Meeting Materials

Current Members

  1. Sam Dennis


    Provider - Independent Power Producers

  2. Allan Rudeck


    Provider – Integrated – Cooperative

  3. Chris Forrest



  4. Julie Estey


    Provider – Integrated – Cooperative

  5. Jeff Waller


    State Agency for Regulatory Affairs and Public Advocacy (RAPA)

  6. Lou Florence

    Ex-officio Member

    Provider – Distribution

  7. Claire Knudsen-Latta


    Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA)

  8. Juliet Shepherd



Finance and Audit Committee

The Finance and Audit Committee is a standing Board Committee that assists the Board of Directors in fulfilling its responsibilities relating to the financing, budgeting, and auditing of the RRC.

  1. Charter
  2. Meeting Materials

Current Members

  1. Brian Hickey


    Provider – Distribution – Municipal

  2. Sunil Kumar


    Consumer – Large Commercial – Industrial

  3. Veri di Suvero


    Consumer – Residential-Small Commercial

  4. Taylor Crocker


    Provider – Distribution – Municipal

  5. David Caye


    Chugach Electric Association

Public Involvement Committee

The Public Involvement Committee is an ad-hoc Board Committee tasked primarily with managing and maintaining the RRC’s public interface and related considerations.

  1. Charter
  2. Meeting Materials

Current Members

  1. Veri di Suvero


    Consumer – Residential-Small Commercial

  2. Chris Rose


    Consumer – Environmental Advocacy

  3. Julie Estey


    Provider – Integrated – Cooperative

  4. Trish Baker



  5. Christina Harris


    Kenai Peninsula Ratepayers Alliance

  6. Ashley Bradish


    Golden Valley Electric Association

Batch 1 Reliability Standards Working Group

This Technical Advisory Council Working Group is developing a batch of four Reliability Standards: RRC-BAL-003, RRC-BAL-004, RRC-BAL-006, and RRC-INT-006.

  1. Meeting Materials

Current Members

  1. David Burlingame


    Chief Technical Officer

  2. David Hilt

    Founder, Grid Reliability Consulting, LLC

  3. Haider Naveed

    Senior NERC Compliance Specialist, Electric Power Engineers

  4. Todd Ponto

    Director of OT and NERC Compliance, ScottMadden

Batch 2 Reliability Standards Working Group

This Technical Advisory Council Working Group is developing a batch of two Reliability Standards: RRC-VAR-001 and RRC-VAR-002.

  1. Meeting Materials

Current Members

  1. David Burlingame


    Chief Technical Officer

  2. David Hilt

    Founder, Grid Reliability Consulting, LLC

  3. Haider Naveed

    Senior NERC Compliance Specialist, Electric Power Engineers

  4. Todd Ponto

    Director of OT and NERC Compliance, ScottMadden

Batch 3 Reliability Standards Working Group

This Technical Advisory Council Working Group is developing one Reliability Standard: RRC-BAL-005.

  1. Meeting Materials

Current Members

  1. David Burlingame


    Chief Technical Officer

  2. David Hilt

    Founder, Grid Reliability Consulting, LLC

  3. Haider Naveed

    Senior NERC Compliance Specialist, Electric Power Engineers

  4. Todd Ponto

    Director of OT and NERC Compliance, ScottMadden

Batch 4 Reliability Standards Working Group

This Technical Advisory Council Working Group is developing one Reliability Standard: RRC-Reliability Coordinator-001.

  1. Meeting Materials

Current Members

  1. David Burlingame


    Chief Technical Officer

  2. David Hilt

    Founder, Grid Reliability Consulting, LLC

  3. Haider Naveed

    Senior NERC Compliance Specialist, Electric Power Engineers

  4. Todd Ponto

    Director of OT and NERC Compliance, ScottMadden

ER3 and ER4 Review Working Group

This Working Group will review the Documents Retention and Access Rule (ER3 and the Confidential Documents and Access Rule (ER4) and recommend revision to streamline implementation of these rule in support of product development.

  1. Meeting Materials
  2. Notice of Intent to Develop

Current Members

  1. Bayunt Ollek


    Chief Administrative Officer

  2. Daniel Heckman

    Provider – Integrated – Cooperative

  3. Matthew Clarkson

    Provider – Integrated – Cooperative

  4. Joel Groves

    Provider – Independent Power Producer

  5. Natalie Kiley-Bergen

    Consumer – Residential-Small Commercial

  6. Kevin Aufderheide

    State Agency for Regulatory Affairs and Public Advocacy (RAPA)

  7. Juliet Shepherd


RRC-TPL-001 Working Group

This Technical Advisory Council Working Group is developing the following standard: RRC-TPL-001: Transmission System Performance Requirements

  1. Meeting Materials

Current Members

  1. David Burlingame


    Chief Technical Officer

  2. David Hilt

    Founder, Grid Reliability Consulting, LLC

  3. Haider Naveed

    Senior NERC Compliance Specialist, Electric Power Engineers

  4. Todd Ponto

    Director of OT and NERC Compliance, ScottMadden

CIP Standards Working Group

RRC TAC Working Group dedicated to developing Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Standards

  1. Meeting Materials

Current Members

  1. David Burlingame


    Chief Technical Officer

  2. David Hilt

    Founder, Grid Reliability Consulting, LLC

  3. Haider Naveed

    Senior NERC Compliance Specialist, Electric Power Engineers

  4. Todd Ponto

    Director of OT and NERC Compliance, ScottMadden

VRF/VSL Tables Working Group

RRC TAC Working Group dedicated to developing violation risk factors (VRFs) and violation severity levels (VSLs) for each requirement in each standard.

  1. Meeting Materials

Current Members

  1. David Burlingame


    Chief Technical Officer

  2. David Hilt

    Founder, Grid Reliability Consulting, LLC

  3. Haider Naveed

    Senior NERC Compliance Specialist, Electric Power Engineers

  4. Todd Ponto

    Director of OT and NERC Compliance, ScottMadden