This Ethical Conduct Rule, effective as of January 26, 2023, establishes a framework for ethical behavior and guide the actions of the RRC Representatives consistent with the RRC’s values in interactions with internal and external parties.
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This Conduct Compliance Rule, effective as of January 26, 2023, enforces the Ethical Conduct Rule (ER11), certain provisions of the Bylaws, certain provisions of the Voting Procedures Rule (ER10), and the Whistleblower Policy (BP502) (collectively “Conduct Policies”) when alleged violations of Conduct Policies are made, by providing a process for (1) filing a complaint alleging a potential violation of the Conduct Policies, (2) investigating alleged violations, and (3) issuing sanctions for violations.
This Equitable Allocation of Costs Rule, effective as of January 26, 2023, states that costs for RRC activities will be allocated to load-serving entities load-serving entities by the RRC, based on net energy for load.
This Public Comment and Complaint Resolution Rule, effective as of May 17, 2024, provides provisions for members of the public to submit and for the RRC to receive and process oral or written Formal Public Comments directed to the RRC.
Documents related to the Fiscal Year 2023 RRC Budget.
- Budget/Tariff
The RRC's Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) Certificate, granted by the Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA) on September 23, 2022, authorizing it authorizing it to perform the duties and exercise the authority of an ERO, as defined in AS 42.05.790, for the interconnected Alaska Railbelt bulk-electric system.
Charter of the Finance and Audit Committee.
- Board Committees
Charter of the Infrastructure Committee. On January 6, 2025, the Board dissolved the Committee.
- Board Committees
This Board Policy establishes that all persons shall have a professional work environment free from all forms of discrimination and harassment.
This Board Policy establishes processes and protections to persons who make a complaint or allegation about an alleged breach of the following of RRC rules and/or policies.
Alaska Administrative Code (AAC) that provides filing and content requirements to govern Electric Reliability Organization's (ERO's) surcharge filings. Surcharge filings must be submitted as tariff filings in accordance with 3 AAC 46.320 – 46.330. An annual surcharge revision must be filed with the Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA) at least 45 days prior to the beginning of the ERO’s fiscal year.
The RRC's Articles of Incorporation.