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    1. Organizational Documents
    2. Rules

    This Public Notice Rule, effective as of December 27, 2024, establishes the requirements for issuing public notice for meetings and other RRC actions, to ensure the public is provided with advance notice of, and to encourage public participation in, RRC business,

    1. Organizational Documents
    2. Rules

    This Original Set of Books Rule Rule, effective as of January 26, 2023, states that the RRC will keep an original set of books, accounts, papers, and records within the State of Alaska and allow for the Regulatory Commission of Alaska to inspect the same.

    1. Organizational Documents
    2. Rules

    This Ethical Conduct Rule, effective as of January 26, 2023, establishes a framework for ethical behavior and guide the actions of the RRC Representatives consistent with the RRC’s values in interactions with internal and external parties.

    1. Organizational Documents
    2. Rules

    This Conduct Compliance Rule, effective as of January 26, 2023, enforces the Ethical Conduct Rule (ER11), certain provisions of the Bylaws, certain provisions of the Voting Procedures Rule (ER10), and the Whistleblower Policy (BP502) (collectively “Conduct Policies”) when alleged violations of Conduct Policies are made, by providing a process for (1) filing a complaint alleging a potential violation of the Conduct Policies, (2) investigating alleged violations, and (3) issuing sanctions for violations.

    1. Organizational Documents
    2. Founding Documents

    The RRC's Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) Certificate, granted by the Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA) on September 23, 2022, authorizing it authorizing it to perform the duties and exercise the authority of an ERO, as defined in AS 42.05.790, for the interconnected Alaska Railbelt bulk-electric system.