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Power lines in the foreground with sunset and mountains in the background.

Public Matters

Man repairing power line up high on a power pole.

Matters open for public comment will be listed below. All other open matters may be included in active notices. If you don’t see a particular matter, visit the RCA’s website or contact us with questions.

Public Matters

Documents Retention and Access Rule (ER3) and Confidential Documents and Access Rule (ER4) Review

On September 30, 2024, the RRC Board of Directors issued a Directive to initiate a review of the Documents Retention and Access Rule (ER3) and the Confidential Documents and Access Rule (ER4). In response to this directive, the Chief Administrative Officer will establish a Work Group to review these rules and other relevant organizational documents and develop recommended revisions for Board action and subsequent filing with the Regulatory Commission of Alaska.

5 days left to petition to join working group

Planning Resource Adequacy Analysis, Assessment and Documentation

  • ID Number: RRC-BAL-502
  • Status: Upcoming

This standard states is to establish common criteria for each BA for a planning methodology based on the single largest unit contingency and an appropriate reserve margin or reserve criteria. The analysis, assessment, and documentation of Resource Adequacy, shall include Planning Reserve Margins for meeting system load both real and reactive within the Railbelt System.

Transmission System Performance Requirements

This standard establishes Transmission system planning performance requirements within the planning horizon to develop a System that will operate reliably over a broad spectrum of conditions and following a wide range of probable Contingencies applicable to the portions of the Bulk Electrical System (BES) used to supply power to or from major load and generation centers.

Active Notices

Please note that the RRC will only be providing an open comment period on certain matters as indicated above. Not all active notices may prompt the opportunity for official public comment in which these comments will become part of the official record for this matter. Contact us with questions or you may submit an unofficial comment on a matter not open for public comment.

Executive Committee Meeting Canceled

Notice of 2025 Budget Filing

Railbelt Reliability Council Hires New President and CEO