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Inadvertent Interchange

ID Number: RRC-BAL-006

(BAL) Resource and Demand Balancing

This standard defines a process for monitoring Balancing Authorities to ensure that, over the long-term, balancing Authority Areas do not excessively depend on other Balancing Authority areas in the Interconnection for meeting their demand or Interchange obligations.

Portions of AKBAL-006 were retired; remaining portions to are incorporated into the Automatic Generation Control (RRC-BAL-005) and Interchange Information (RRC-INT-006) standards.

Status: Inactive
  1. The Notice of Change to Development Scope of the Batch 1 Reliability Standards development. RRC-BAL-005 – Automatic Generation Control – is no longer included as part of the Batch 1 Reliability Standards development suite.

    • Standards Development
    • Scope/Schedule