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Petition to Join Working Group

Please complete the below form to submit a petition to become an Approved Participant in an development undertaken by the RRC. Petitions are considered by the Manager of the RRC Working Group. Appeals of denied petitions can also be submitted using the below form.

Petitions to participate in RRC Working Groups and appeals thereof are governed by the Public Participation in a Development Rule (ER5).

Petition to Join Working Group

Appeal Denied Petition

Select desired action: 

Your Contact Information

Name of the entity you work for or represent (optional)

Petition Information

Select the Working Group you wish to join

Describe your interest in joining the selected working group

Attach any documents that demonstrate your qualifications (ex. resume or CV) (optional)

Supplement any additional information you believe is relevant to your petition (optional)

Appeal Information

Select the Working Group you petitioned to join

Enter the date you submitted the petition to join the selected Working Group

Enter the date you were notified your petition was denied to join the selected Working Group

State why you believe your petition to join the selected Working Group should have been approved

Violations of this policy may include, but are not limited to, comments that contain hate speech, promote or endorse commercial or personal services or products.