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Request for Information

The below form may be used to request access to confidential documents maintained by the RRC or to request RRC reclassify a confidential document as public, in accordance with the Confidential Documents and Access Rule (ER4), Section 7.0 – Access to Confidential Documents.

Requestor Information

Is the Requestor a member on an RRC committee? 
Is the Requestor an Approved Participant under ER5- Public Participation in a Development Rule? 


List or describe the confidential document(s) the Requestor seeks access to or seeks to reclassify as public. For each document, indicate whether the Requestor seeks access, reclassification, or both.

Additional Information

In accordance with ER4 – Confidential Documents and Access Rule, RRC will determine completeness of this request and then notify the Requestor of receipt and publish this request on the RRC website. Please review ER4 - Confidential Documents and Access Rule for additional information. If deemed necessary by RRC, the Requestor may be required to enter into a confidentiality agreement to access the requested documents.