This Product Development Rule, effective as of January 26, 2023, creates processes and carries out statutory and regulatory requirements regarding the development of integrated resource plans, rules, tariff, and standards (including reliability standards) ensuring the RRC provides reasonable notice and opportunity for public comment, due process, openness, and balancing of interests in exercising its duties. It also ensures that the integrated resource plans, rules, and standards adopted by the RRC do not grant any person an unreasonable preference or advantage or subject any person to an unreasonable prejudice or disadvantage.
The RRC is required to adhere to all Rules. Creating or modifying new Rules requires a public process. For any Rule developments in progress, the public may join related meetings, submit comments, or petition to join the associated development group.
Active Rules
This Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program (CMEP) Rule, effective as of January 26, 2023, will be used by the RRC to monitor, assess, and enforce compliance with reliability standards.
This Documents Retention and Access Rule, effective as of January 26, 2023, provides a retention schedule for, and public access to, nonconfidential documents.
This Confidential Documents and Access Rule, effective as of January 26, 2023, provides that public access to RRC documents, as defined in the Documents Retention and Access Rule (ER3), is essential to the collaboration, transparency, and openness that underpin RRC processes.
This Public Participation in a Development Rule, effective as of January 26, 2023, provides the public the ability to participate in the development of a proposed integrated resource plan, rule, tariff, or standard developed by the RRC.
This Public Meetings Rule was repealed effective December 27, 2024, per RCA docket no. ER5-9001. The Public Notice and Meetings Rule contains many elements previously included the now repealed ER6.
This Public Notice Rule, effective as of December 27, 2024, establishes the requirements for issuing public notice for meetings and other RRC actions, to ensure the public is provided with advance notice of, and to encourage public participation in, RRC business,
This Original Set of Books Rule Rule, effective as of January 26, 2023, states that the RRC will keep an original set of books, accounts, papers, and records within the State of Alaska and allow for the Regulatory Commission of Alaska to inspect the same.
This Rule Amendments Rule, effective as of January 26, 2023, provides processes for amending Electric Reliability Organization Rules.
This Voting Procedures Rule, effective as of January 26, 2023, covers the key voting procedures of the RRC.
This Ethical Conduct Rule, effective as of January 26, 2023, establishes a framework for ethical behavior and guide the actions of the RRC Representatives consistent with the RRC’s values in interactions with internal and external parties.
This Conduct Compliance Rule, effective as of January 26, 2023, enforces the Ethical Conduct Rule (ER11), certain provisions of the Bylaws, certain provisions of the Voting Procedures Rule (ER10), and the Whistleblower Policy (BP502) (collectively “Conduct Policies”) when alleged violations of Conduct Policies are made, by providing a process for (1) filing a complaint alleging a potential violation of the Conduct Policies, (2) investigating alleged violations, and (3) issuing sanctions for violations.
This Equitable Allocation of Costs Rule, effective as of January 26, 2023, states that costs for RRC activities will be allocated to load-serving entities load-serving entities by the RRC, based on net energy for load.
This Public Comment and Complaint Resolution Rule, effective as of May 17, 2024, provides provisions for members of the public to submit and for the RRC to receive and process oral or written Formal Public Comments directed to the RRC.
In Progress Rule Developments
Documents Retention and Access Rule (ER3) and Confidential Documents and Access Rule (ER4) Review
- Classification Category: Rule Development
- Status: In Progress
On September 30, 2024, the RRC Board of Directors issued a Directive to initiate a review of the Documents Retention and Access Rule (ER3) and the Confidential Documents and Access Rule (ER4). In response to this directive, the Chief Administrative Officer will establish a Work Group to review these rules and other relevant organizational documents and develop recommended revisions for Board action and subsequent filing with the Regulatory Commission of Alaska.
Archived Rule Developments
Rule Development (2)