Working Groups
Standard Developments
One of the primary purposes of the RRC is to develop and enforce standards that apply to the entire Railbelt region. Members of the technical advisory council and additional subject matter experts use their knowledge of the unique challenges of the islanded Railbelt grid as well as stakeholder input to create specialized reliability, operating, security, and other standards for the grid. The below listed working groups are actively meeting to develop standards.
Batch 1 Reliability Standards Working Group
This Technical Advisory Council Working Group is developing a batch of four Reliability Standards: RRC-BAL-003, RRC-BAL-004, RRC-BAL-006, and RRC-INT-006.
Current Members
David Burlingame
Chief Technical Officer
David Hilt
Founder, Grid Reliability Consulting, LLC
Haider Naveed
Senior NERC Compliance Specialist, Electric Power Engineers
Todd Ponto
Director of OT and NERC Compliance, ScottMadden
Batch 2 Reliability Standards Working Group
This Technical Advisory Council Working Group is developing a batch of two Reliability Standards: RRC-VAR-001 and RRC-VAR-002.
Current Members
David Burlingame
Chief Technical Officer
David Hilt
Founder, Grid Reliability Consulting, LLC
Haider Naveed
Senior NERC Compliance Specialist, Electric Power Engineers
Todd Ponto
Director of OT and NERC Compliance, ScottMadden
Batch 3 Reliability Standards Working Group
This Technical Advisory Council Working Group is developing one Reliability Standard: RRC-BAL-005.
Current Members
David Burlingame
Chief Technical Officer
David Hilt
Founder, Grid Reliability Consulting, LLC
Haider Naveed
Senior NERC Compliance Specialist, Electric Power Engineers
Todd Ponto
Director of OT and NERC Compliance, ScottMadden
Batch 4 Reliability Standards Working Group
This Technical Advisory Council Working Group is developing one Reliability Standard: RRC-Reliability Coordinator-001.
Current Members
David Burlingame
Chief Technical Officer
David Hilt
Founder, Grid Reliability Consulting, LLC
Haider Naveed
Senior NERC Compliance Specialist, Electric Power Engineers
Todd Ponto
Director of OT and NERC Compliance, ScottMadden
RRC-TPL-001 Working Group
This Technical Advisory Council Working Group is developing the following standard: RRC-TPL-001: Transmission System Performance Requirements
Current Members
David Burlingame
Chief Technical Officer
David Hilt
Founder, Grid Reliability Consulting, LLC
Haider Naveed
Senior NERC Compliance Specialist, Electric Power Engineers
Todd Ponto
Director of OT and NERC Compliance, ScottMadden
CIP Standards Working Group
RRC TAC Working Group dedicated to developing Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Standards
Current Members
David Burlingame
Chief Technical Officer
David Hilt
Founder, Grid Reliability Consulting, LLC
Haider Naveed
Senior NERC Compliance Specialist, Electric Power Engineers
Todd Ponto
Director of OT and NERC Compliance, ScottMadden
VRF/VSL Tables Working Group
RRC TAC Working Group dedicated to developing violation risk factors (VRFs) and violation severity levels (VSLs) for each requirement in each standard.
Current Members
David Burlingame
Chief Technical Officer
David Hilt
Founder, Grid Reliability Consulting, LLC
Haider Naveed
Senior NERC Compliance Specialist, Electric Power Engineers
Todd Ponto
Director of OT and NERC Compliance, ScottMadden
Rule Developments
Creating or modifying new Rules requires a public process you are encouraged to engage in. Public members can join meetings for any Rule developments that are in progress or submit comments related to any Rules. The below listed working groups are actively meeting to develop/modify Rules.
ER3 and ER4 Review Working Group
This Working Group will review the Documents Retention and Access Rule (ER3 and the Confidential Documents and Access Rule (ER4) and recommend revision to streamline implementation of these rule in support of product development.
Current Members
Matthew Clarkson
Provider – Integrated – Cooperative
Natalie Kiley-Bergen
Consumer – Residential-Small Commercial
Kevin Aufderheide
State Agency for Regulatory Affairs and Public Advocacy (RAPA)
Juliet Shepherd