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Interchange Information

ID Number: RRC-INT-006

(INT) Interchange Scheduling and Coordination

Scheduled interchange must be coordinated between Balancing Authorities to prevent frequency deviations and accumulations of inadvertent interchange and prevent exceeding mutually established transfer limits. This standard was not modified from the original NERC standard in effect at the time. It is required so long as there is more than one LBA in the Interconnected system.

Board Approval
Status: In Progress
  1. The Technical Advisory Council (TAC) Reliability Standards Recommendation Submittal Package developed by the TAC Working Group led by the Chief Technical Officer (CTO). This package was noticed on November 11th, 2024, and it slated for action at the December 2nd, 2024 Annual RRC Board of Directors meeting.

    • Standards Development
  2. Meeting materials for the Interchange Information (INT-006) Reliability Standards Working Group.

    • Standards Development