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Interchange Information

ID Number: RRC-INT-006

(INT) Interchange Scheduling and Coordination

Scheduled interchange must be coordinated between Balancing Authorities to prevent frequency deviations and accumulations of inadvertent interchange and prevent exceeding mutually established transfer limits. This standard was not modified from the original NERC standard in effect at the time. It is required so long as there is more than one LBA in the Interconnected system.

Status: In Progress
  1. Meeting materials for the Inadvertent Interchange (BAL-006) Reliability Standards Working Group.

    • Standards Development
  2. The Notice of Change to Development Scope of the Batch 1 Reliability Standards development. AKBAL-005 – Automatic Generation Control – is no longer included as part of the Batch 1 Reliability Standards development suite.

    • Standards Development
    • Scope/Schedule